The enemies of our current Republic who called themselves the "Resistance" have recently decided to viciously and maliciously attack the character of our elected President, Donald J. Trump, from two flanks, one overtly with the publication of a book titled FEAR: TRUMP IN THE WHITE HOUSE written by a pseudo-liberal journalist of Washington Post, Bob Woodward and the other, covertly with an anonymous letter submitted to James Dao, the op/ed section editor of the New York Times and then published on September 5th. The anonymous letter-writer is a threat to National Security given his or her access presumably to classified data. This mysterious person maybe a joke if we are to believe what New York Times claims as one who is just expressing a political opinion. That presumption is totally unacceptable because he or she can be an "enemy penetraton agent" or a mole assigned to kill the President on a false pretext that he is endangering the United States as stated in the letter. To flush out this pest is imperative without delay to the extent of a possible declaration of a State of National Emergency and Suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus.
First, let's identify the principal leaders of the Resistance Movement who are virtually subversives or insurgents.
Consider the Clintons and Obamas spearheading the Protest Movement against Trump with their weekly update paper called Resistance Now. They could not accept the reality that Donald Trump who had no public office experience, appointive or elective, demolished their gargantuan political machine. They used slogans at protest rallies like "Not My President" and "Impeach Trump." The recent anti-Trump speech of Hillary in India was bolstered by this week's open war of words against the President by Barack Obama at the University of Illinois. Obama arrogantly stated with covetous ness that he started the current economic boom that sent unemployment rate to the gutter and GNP at 3.9 %. The former president who appeared lke flesh and bone still is a damned liar pretending to be a Christian. He is truly a Muslim. He left a garbage of prayer blankets in a room at the White House he disignated as Prayer Room. There's a reason why he stole billions of American taxpayer's dollars and and sent boxes of cash by plane under cover of darkness to Iran, America's enemy.
Consider Bernie Sanders and his 19 Resistance Organizations all geared to promote socialist policies and support candidates with the same socialist leanings using various indoctrination techniques especially among college students.
Consider self-proclaimed Trump Haters such as Jerry Brown, Andrew Cuomo, Kate Brown, Bob Ferguson, Charles Fried, Alicia Garza, Eric Holder, Jay Inslee, Garrison Keillor, Shia LaBouf, Bill Maher, Tamika Mallory, Michael Moore, Keith Olbermann, John Oliver, Nancy Pelosi, Carmen Perez, Rhea Powell, Robert Reich, Cecile Richards, Linda Sarsour, Ben Sasse, Adam Schiff, Teresa Shook, Meryl Streep, Andrew Sullivan, Madonna, Alec Baldwin, Ashley Judd, Stephen Colbert, Troy Noah, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Alyssa Milano, Al Franken, Maxene Waters, Sheila Jackson, Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, Mary Hirono, Gavin Newsom, Debbie Wasserman, Ed Perez, Keith Ellison, Bill Deblasio and Richard Blumenthal.
Consider the following political advocacy organizations: Planned Parenthood, ACLU, Sierra Club, Center for Constitutional Rights, Human Rights Campaign, CAIR, Muslim Brotherhood
Consider the Mainsream Media labelled as Fake News by President Trump namely CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, New York Times, Washington Post, Washington Examiner, CBS, TIME, Newsweek, and Daily News.
Consider the following Billionaires who hate our President: Seth Klarman, Tom Steyer, Meg Whitman, Mark Cuban, Stan Drunkenmiller, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos, and the Koch Brothers.
Let all American Christians, Patriots, and anybody who support the anointed leadership of President Donald J. Trump pray and work to help for a quick arrest of an enemy agent roaming to and from on the halls of our sensitive and secured government institutions.
By Jun Policarpio
Author, Shaking the Secret Underworld of the Unjust, sold at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
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