By Gonzalo “Jun” Policarpio
How many more brave witnesses against Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo do the Filipino people need before they assert their sovereign power over her? As long as they allow her to maintain control of the Philippine Military and government funds, she will do everything to suppress the truth about her illegitimate presidency. With the evil character she has demonstrated, she could have descended from the line of the first thirteen Roman Emperors who all became demented with power.
The testimonies of two men of honor like Brig. Gen. Francisco Gudani, Assistant Superintendent`of the Philippine Military Academy and a highly respected Filipino Marine Officer and Lieut-Col. Alexander Balutan, Assistant Commandant of the PMA Officers Corp, given under oath before the Philippine Senate that they were ordered to engage in election fraud to assure Arroyo’s victory in the 2004 presidential elections are no doubt more than enough to justify a people’s move to drive Gloria and her hordes out of power. The testimony of a presumed dead man, Virgilio Garcillano, who was the master forger of the illegitimate leader, is no longer needed to convict the pretender to the Philippine presidency.
The two military leaders defied Gloria’s executive order to get a clearance from Malacanang before appearing at the Senate hearing. Because they regard it as an unlawful order issued by an illegitimate chief executive of the Philippine government. When Gen. Gudani told the press that he obeys God and not men, he really meant to say that the woman has no moral or political authority to issue executive orders. Good soldiers do not obey unlawful orders.
What is it that’s covering the eyes, the ears, and controlling the minds of Gloria’s political supporters to help her stay in power?
According to the latest report of the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, the Office of the Ombudsman and the Commission on Audit have records to show that the 1.8 billion pesos of the 3 billion government funds released to the Department of Agriculture were not used for agricultural development and assistance. Documents will show that the funds were diverted to local political leaders such as congressmen, governors, and mayors who are all supporters of Gloria. Some funds were given to certain foundations and ghost foundations and ultimately siphoned to the Gloria Arroyo campaign fund. I would agree to PCIJ’s assessment that if gambling lord Bong Pineda donated 300 million pesos of illegal money for Gloria’s campaign, the innocent poor Filpino masses in effect gave much more in billions of pesos.
From Gen. Gudani’s testimony, he said that a witness who wished to remain anonymous for now saw Mike Arroyo, Gloria’s husband, used a helicopter to carry two cartons of money in the amount of 500 million pesos to be distributed to military and election officials in Mindanao. This definitely will reinforce the latest investigative report of PCIJ on Gloria’s illegal use of government funds to cheat in the elections.
Yes, the three G’s – guns, goons, and gold – and not God put Gloria in power. But as history dictates, such foolish leaders do not stay long. Especially when there are such honorable men like Gen. Gudani and Lt.Col. Balutan who are ready to die for duty, honor, and integrity, there’s always hope for the Filipino people.