Friday, July 28, 2006

By Gonzalo "Jun" Policarpio


The following is a reply to my Letter to the Editor of
TIMESLEDGER, a newspaper chain in Queens, New York,
and my Rejoinder:

REJOINDER To Mr. Vincent J. Tabone’s Letter

July 21, 2006

Dear Sir:

After making a concretized point against State Sen.
Serphin Maltese’s Racial Profiling bill, I thought I
would be able to quietly leave the issue with Mr.
Vincent J. Tabone, “Republican” vice chairman of the
Queens County Republican Party as having the last
word. When he criticized me for not mentioning that I
was not endorsed by his “Republican Party” clique and
I “lost badly in the Republican primary” in 2004, he
took it upon himself now to be the target of a fair
examination of his role in the nomination of the
Republican candidate during the endorsement process
and the primary election campaign. And it is indeed an
interesting story to tell.

In December of 2003, Mr. Tabone and two of his party
colleagues told me that they were inclined to support
another Republican candidate from Nassau County who
was known to be wealthy and a big contributor to
Governor Pataki. They advised me to run against State
Senator Toby Stavisky instead.

Their “wealthy” candidate later withdrew from
candidacy for reasons known only to them and other
local party leaders. I was then the only
Republican candidate campaigning to unseat Democratic
Rep. Gary Ackerman from the 5th Congressional District
of New York.

A few weeks before the deadline for submission of
party nominees in 2004, I was invited to speak before
the Queens local Republican party meeting presided by
State Sen. Maltese to get the party endorsement. I
did not get any negative feedback but complimentary
remarks from the Senator and his associates about my
political platform and the way I expressed them to the
audience. So I thought all along that the party
endorsement was a done deal from both the Queens and
Nassau Republican County Committees. It is said to be
a recognized practice that when a candidate gets the
Queens County endorsement, he automatically gets the

A few days before the deadline, I learned that a
certain Mr. Stephen Graves, another Republican
candidate running in the 7th Congressional District,
Stephen Graves, got the party endorsement. In an
interview with New York Sun, he confessed that he was
surprised of the offer believing that I already
received the endorsement a long time ago. He also told
the NY Sun reporter that the reason given by the party
leaders was my “communication problems” having been a
foreign born American speaking with an ethnic accent.
That was heartbreaking news to me considering the
applause and compliments I received when I spoke
before the Queens County Republican leadership. THIS

Now we have both chairman and the vice-chairman of
the Queens Republican Party advocating RACIAL
PROFILING to be a state law. Did they apply it to
this poor carpet bagger candidate from Tennessee, Mr.
Graves, who has olive complexion, black hair and dark
eyes and whose business was selling vitamins. Their
candidate bragged in most of his speeches that he once
served as adviser to Mrs. Benazir Bhutto, former
Premier of Pakistan who was arrested and imprisoned
for government corruption. Did they suspect if Mr.
Graves is a member of a “sleeper cell” in New York?
Remember, their candidate used multiple addresses from
California to New Jersey.

Federal Election Commission Records will show that
Mr. Graves raised a total donation of $1,465.00 and
spent $0.00 for the whole campaign season and his
biggest donor who owns a pharmacy in Brooklyn and gave
$200.00 has a Middle Eastern name that sounds like
Mohammed. Did they check this guy out as a terrorist
suspect? They used the caricature of Uncle Sam in
their party-funded brochures somewhat to symbolize
that Stephen Graves, a Caucasian name , was the
candidate of America. They even used the pictures of
President Bush and his father in their campaign cards
without the consent of the White House, according to
Mr. Matthew Hunter of the White House Office of
Political Affairs who called over the phone. Mr.
Hunter interjected to me that Deputy Chief of Staff
Karl Rove had nothing to do with Graves’ campaign

Mr. Tabone, do you still want to play the DIRTY game
of RACIAL PROFILING? Frankly, my neighbor, I don’t
because a true Republican stands for EQUALITY AND
JUSTICE as Abraham Lincoln, greatest American
president, did so many years ago in order to preserve
the UNION.

Sincerely yours,

Gonzalo “Jun” Policarpio
White House Liaison, National Asian American
Republican Coalition(NAARC)
Chairman, New York State Asian American Republican
Life Member, Republican Senatorial Inner Circle

Ethnic profiling makes sense in a post-9/11 world

I read with interest Mr. Gonzalo Policarpio's lament
about Sen. Serphin R. Maltese's bill drafted to give
law enforcement greater power to detain terror
suspects by allowing law enforcement to take race and
ethnicity into account when stopping terror suspects.
Guess what? It is a practical and necessary step in
continuing to keep us safe.

It was also noteworthy that Mr. Policarpio takes pains
to describe himself as a former "Republican" and Fair
Immigration Party Congressional Candidate in 2004, yet
fails to mention he was not endorsed by the Republican
Party and lost rather badly in the Republican primary.


Perhaps this is a reflection of the fact that
Republican voters, at least, appreciate that we live
in a post 9/11 world and are in the midst of waging a
war on terror. Republican voters are at least
generally supportive of initiatives designed to
protect our shores and citizens from further terror
attacks. In short, Republican primary voters rejected
Mr. Policarpio's world view then and I believe would
do so again today.

Mr. Policarpio imagines himself as clever by positing
that Maltese's bill would subject the senator's
relatives of Italian ancestry to what he calls
unnecessary and harassing police stops and searches.

As someone who belongs to a number of the same Italian
American groups that celebrate Italian-American
heritage, culture and contributions to this country, I
can assure Mr. Policarpio that Maltese, like most
Italian Americans, is fully aware of Italian history.
Like many Italian-Americans, particularly southern
Italians and other folks who immigrated from southern
Europe, we know that the U.S.A. had fairly strict
quotas against our forbearers. We remember how we were
described and stereotyped, sometimes even today.

We also know about the history of the region and the
interaction of the many peoples in the region and the
features and characteristics of the people indigenous
to the region without consulting anthropology
textbooks. Italian Americans, like other peoples from
the Mediterranean, come in every shape and size and
hue because of the region's unique past. Sicily, for
instance, was invaded or settled by the Romans, the
Greeks, the Spanish and the Arabs.

So much for the history lesson. Today the majority of
Republicans, the majority of Americans and I dare say
at least a significant plurality of New Yorkers who
still remember 9/11 would rather err on the side of
providing law enforcement with extra tools to stop
terrorists even if it might mean occasional
inconvenience or embarrassment.

A person can still be fair-minded and recognize that
all the 9/11 terrorists were males of Arab extraction
as were all the terrorists involved in the Spanish and
United Kingdom bombings. I, for one, would rather risk
that members of my family might be momentarily
inconvenienced at some point than to hear that another
Mohammed Atta slipped past causing death and
destruction on our shores while authorities were busy
grilling Swedish and Japanese tourists or engaged in
other measures designed not to offend anyone's

More anthropologically based profiling may prove an
imperfect tool but its better than blind or random
profiling or other means of artificially denying the

Perhaps such won't pass muster with the ACLU or Mr.
Policarpio but then again most Republicans appreciate
that the U.S. Constitution was never meant to be a
suicide pact.

Vincent J. Tabone

Vice Chairman

Queens County Republican Party

Monday, July 24, 2006

By Gonzalo “Jun” Policarpio


Among those listed in the current FBI Wanted Persons List is a Filipino named Yolanda Tolentino Ricaforte described as “FUGITIVE FROM A FOREIGN COUNTRY FOR THE CRIME OF PLUNDER.” She is wanted for her “alleged” involvement in the plunder case filed against former Philippine President Joseph Estrada. She is just alleged to be Estrada’s bookkeeper or accountant of millions and millions of pesos collected from illegal gambling and accused of opening several bank accounts in her name which were used to deposit the illegal “jueteng” collections.

The U.S. government placed the name of this accused Filipino plunderer in the FBI Wanted Persons List upon the request of the Philippine government. In comparison to the recent arrest and detention of Jocelyn “Joc Joc” Bolante at the Los Angeles port of entry by officers and agents of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on July 7th, it was reported in the press that the Philippine Consulate in LA did not act to take custody of the fugitive when notified of the capture by U.S. law enforcement authorities. The arresting officer, according to press reports, said that Joc Joc Bolante was in the CBP’s Lookout list for wanted persons.


Antonio Zulueta is said to be acting as the lawyer for Joc Joc Bolante’s violation of United States law. Mr. Zulueta was Counsel for Ignacio Arroyo, younger brother of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s husband, during the Senate hearings on the JOSE PIDAL Money Laundering investigation when the younger Arroyo’s main line of defense was “I invoke my right to privacy.” Now, that’s the same line being used by Bolante.


The Bible says in plain words: There’s nothing hidden that shall not be revealed. If the de facto President of the Philippines really believes in her heart that God put her in Malacanang and God is her only Judge, then she has to follow the Word of God. The God of the Old Testament commanded the Israelites to exterminate the plunderers. However, we’re now in the New Testament and God will forgive those who repent, even the plunderers. For the healing of the land of the Filipinos, let the plunderers surrender first and then repent of their sins. And God makes the final judgment.


Sunday, July 16, 2006

Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 10:00:43 -0700 (PDT)
From: "gonzalo policarpio" Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Fwd: Fugitives From Justice

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Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 09:11:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: "gonzalo policarpio"
Subject: Fwd: Fugitives From Justice

Plain Text Attachment [ Scan and Save to Computer | Save to Yahoo! Briefcase ]

Note: forwarded message attached.

Dear Miss Tordesillas:

Thank you for publishing in your blog copy of my
old email dated Dec. 12, 2000 titled "Jocelyn 'Jocjoc'
Bolante and originally addressed to Sen. Ramon
Magsaysay, Jr. and Sen. Franklin Drilon. However, it
would have been more significant and clearer to your
readers as to the intent of the message if the date of
the email as well as the names of the Senators to whom
it was originally addressed to were mentioned.

I did send you another copy of an old email dated
Oct. 26, 2005 titled "Fugitives From Justice" and
originally addressed to Sen. Ramon Magsaysay, Jr. cc
to Sen. Pong Biazon and Sen. Aquilino Pimentel, Jr.

The reason for these emails is to inform you, as a
fellow columnist based in the Philippines, what
motivated me to advise Sen. Magsaysay to request the
help of American law enforcement authorities attached
to the U.S. Embassy in Manila tracking down a fugitive
from justice like Bolante. I suggested to him the
proper procedures in submitting valid information
which I may term it as "intelligence" to the FBI
liaison office and to the Department of Homeland
Security attache(properly titled as Immigration
Attache/OIC)for action. Definitely any appropriate
action by them should be cleared by their headquarters
in Washington, D.C..

I'm familiar with such procedures because of my
past experience as Special Operations Immigration
Inspector at Newark International Airport and
designated District Intelligence Officer, Team Leader
in the mid90s. Verified intelligence about a fugitive
from justice even from a foreign country is accepted
by US law enforcement authorities and the name of such
fugitive will be included in the government's lookout
list. So Bolante could have tried to enter any
American port of entry. But all ports of entries have
the lookout list properly computerized. There's realy
no way for Bolante to sneak in to the United States.

The U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines is a
diplomat, not a law enforcement officer. She should
not be bothered with circumstances about Bolante's
arrest. You may talk to the Officer in Charge of the
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement at the US
Embassy in Manila. You would get the scoop as to the
bottom of Bolante's detention in LA. You have to do it
quickly to be ahead of the other jurnalists.

In my follow up email to the Senators I mentioned,
I reiterated to them that I an an enemy of injustice.
That's the thing that motivates me to help them in
locating and capturing a fugitive from justice like
Bolante given the failure of Philippine law
enforcement authorities to do anything about it,
especially the de facto Commander in Chief of the
Armed Forces of the Philippines.

I requested the Senators to help in passing a
Senate Resolution recognizing my dedicated efforts in
exposing and stopping a Fake Filipino syndicate during
my time as Intelligence Assistant at the DFA's
Division of Intelligence and Research during the early
70s. This idea was first suggested to me by former
Philippine Ambassador to the United States, Emmanuel
Pelaez, during the Cory Aquino Administration. He
advised me not to accept a subcabinet position in the
Cory administration being proffered by former Sen.
Heherson Alvarez in exchange for my US citizenship. I
followed the Ambassador's wise advice. Details of my
intelligence work against the corrupt government
officials of Marcos were publicized in the former
Manila Times, Manila Chronicle, and other papers. On
October 15, 1972, DFA terminated my services without
reasonable cause. The rest is a short history of my
life in America.

I hope you understand the intent of this letter to

Best regards,

Gonzalo "Jun" Policarpio

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Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 05:55:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: "gonzalo policarpio"
Subject: Fwd: Fugitives From Justice

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Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 08:56:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: "gonzalo policarpio"
Subject: Fugitives From Justice

Plain Text Attachment [ Scan and Save to Computer | Save to Yahoo! Briefcase ]

I'm a U.S. citizen by naturalization but a Filipino by
birth. I can no longer close my eyes, cover my ears,
and keep my mouth shut, as most Filipino Americans try
to do, about the continuing hardships and sufferings
being inflicted on the poor Filipino people by corrupt
government officials.

In one of my columns published in the FILIPINO
REPORTER, a weekly tabloid based in New York City
sometime ago, I consider your late father, former
Philippine President, Ramon Magsaysay, as one the few
outstanding leaders and statesmen the Filipino people
ever had. It's because of your father's genuine
compassion towards the poor and the underprivileged.

At the rate reports of misuse of public funds in the
billions of pesos in magnitude having been perpetrated
by the de facto Arroyo administration for selfish
reasons, it would seem to indicate that the de facto
Philippine president, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, and the
Roman Emperor Nero of the early centuries have
something in common: evil mind.

In a simple way, I want to help in promoting justice
in the Philippines by suggesting to your office and
other concerned leaders to contact the FBI Liaison
Office and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
office at the U.S. Embassy in Manila and request them
to inform U.S. law enforcement and intelligence
authorities about the arrival of former Arroyo cabinet
official, Jocelyn Bolante, in Los Angeles, California,
who is now considered a Filipino figitive from
justice. I used to be a U.S. immigration officer
assigned in New York and New Jersey before I ran for
the U.S. Congress in 2004. It is the policy of the
United States to admit only those applicants for entry
without any derogatory information.

With regard to Juan Miguel Arroyo, husband of Gloria,
I would like to suggest that the Philippine Senate or
the specific Senate committee assigned to do an
inquiry as to his involvement in the misuse of the
people's money for the rigging of votes during the
last presidential elections, move two steps ahead and
pre-empt any attempt of escape like what Bolante did.
The "two steps ahead" may involve surveillance or
filing ciminal charges against the so-called First
Gentleman to effect an arrest order.

So much for now and thank you for considering my
simple thoughts.

Best regards,

Gonzalo "Jun" Policarpio

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By Gonzalo “Jun” Policarpio


A parliamentary form of government is not right for the Filipino people. Since the birth of the Filipino nation, the head of state has been elected by direct vote of the people. And they actually have no problem with that. The problem of possible cheating during elections is true everywhere in the democratic world. So parliamentary elections are not exempt from this constant. As long as candidates are human beings prone to lying, cheating, and stealing, there can never be a perfectly clean election.

By the same token, federalism is definitely not good for the Filipino people and for the Philippines as a country composed of more than 7,000 islands. A federal form of government is just right for the American people and the United States of America which is a compact state. Try to talk to most Americans and they will say that they are very proud to be called Americans. The American people after years of fighting the British colonizers and bitterly experiencing the bloody American civil war, have lived to be united in their love for independence and democracy. So that when the terrorists attacked New York City and destroyed the World Trade Center, thousands of American soldiers sacrificed their lives to decimate the terrorist-coddling Taliban government inAfghanistan and the evil regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq.

The Filipino people are not united. Every political observer, Filipino or non-Filipino, knows about this sad reality. I believe this problem is traceable to the Spanish colonizers’ policy of divide and conquer and its use of the sword and the cross as a means of mind control. Do you know who captured Aguinaldo and his men in Isabela and surrendered them to the American colonizers? The Filipino traitors were called Macabebe Scouts who were paid by the Americans. On the other hand , do you know who assassinated Andres Bonifacio and his brothers? They were Aguinaldo’s soldiers.

The point I’m driving at is the stupidity of thinking to impose a federal-parliamentary form of government in the Philippines. If such craziness succeeds, then a Filipino civil war may follow. However, a civil war may be a blessing in disguise as what happened in America that made every American feel strongly for the Union.


By Gonzalo “Jun” Policarpio


President George W. Bush is a Texan. And Texans are noted to be straight shooters. He sticks to his gun on his support for the Guest Workers program to form part of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill still being deliberated in the House of Representatives. He knows that the Senate version of the bill which he supports would dismantle the “underground economy” that deprives our treasury millions and millions of dollars in taxes as well as payments to Social Security. Consider additional 14 million workers to be enrolled in Social Security. By 2017, we would not be worrying of a dwindling cash flow available to retirees.


The United States indeed welcomes admissible visitors and tourists who come here for sightseeing, shopping, and visit friends and relatives. Immigrants come here to join immediate relatives or to work for a higher income. US immigration authorities did not welcome former Philippine government official Mr. Jocelyn “Joc Joc” Bolante and detained him on July 7th when he applied for admission at the Los Angeles port of entry. With an outstanding arrest warrant and string of criminal cases lodged against him in the Philippines, he is a not a person of good moral character.


As a compassionate Republican, I’m sad to listen to the requiem of the New York State Republican Party this coming November elections. I see that not even one statewide Republican candidate would survive the elections given the candidates’ false sense of conservatism which is not compassionate. The Republican Party in New York, from state level down to the county seriously needs some cleansing, if not total catharsis.


According to press reports from the Philippines, some members of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines, a very influential religious group that plays a very active role in shaping the political destiny of the county through their pronouncements, accepted bribe money in the amount of 30, 000 pesos from Malacanang. No less than Archbishop Angel N. Lagdameo, the group’s president, told the press that he himself was offered bribe money which he courteously refused.

Well, as we say, MONEY TALKS. It showed in the recent pronouncements of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines expressing non-support for another impeachment complaint filed by various sectors against the de facto president of the Philippines. If Judas Iscariot sold his soul for 30 pieces of silver, how much more can happen to certain Filipino bishops for 30,000 pesos? Malacanang did it again! It’s high time that the coffers of the pretender’s palace be drained of money to stop its bribery.


By Gonzalo “Jun” Policarpio


Former Philippine Vice President Teofisto Guingona who led the Citizens Congress for Truth and Accountability popularly called the “People’s Court” that found Gloria Macapagal Arroyo after a five-month period of factfinding guilty of corruption, electoral fraud and violation of the Philippine Constitution, filed the second set of impeachment complaints against the de facto president of the Philippines for this year. He also announced his intention to lead a civil disobedience movement if the House of Representatives which is currently dominated by Arroyo political allies would again kill the impeachment complaint on a technicality. As Rizal would say in his grave to Arroyo’s hired soldiers, “Noli Me Tangere”(Touch Me Not) or more Filipino blood will spill.

Truly I do not want another Rizal or Ninoy Aquino to emerge and start another “people power” to depose Arroyo. If ever Mr. Guingona would lead the people to civil disobedience, I believe he must be ready to die. I therefore ask Malacanang not to play games again with the constitutional process of impeachment.


Here’s a simple description of racial discrimination in America: the Caucasians look down on the Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians; the Caucasians, the Blacks, and Hispanics look down on the Asians; the Asians look down on themselves. It is high time for the Asians to get together and work together for social, economic, and political empowerment. If the “N” word(Nigger)can trigger the passions of the Black, why not similar ethnic slurs such as Orientals, Japs, Chinks, and Gooks to the Asians. Any non-Asian using the “O” “J” :C” an “G” words should mean receiving a solid right to the mouth, not necessarily in the literal sense but in the legal sense. Remember, use of ethnic slurs is a ground for a racial discrimination suit. Fellow Asians, let’s shed off our age-old image as servants, cooks, railroad coolies, apple pickers, mail order brides, and a buck-toothed comedian who look dumb and stupid. To filmmakers and novelists, let’s start projecting the natural masculinity of the Asian male and the inborn physical strength of the Asian female aside from their intellectual prowess. In America, survival of the fittest still persists.


I agree with New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg when he said in his recent speech in Philadelphia that the American economy will collapse without the immigrants, both legal and illegal. To the Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists in Congress and in the media, they don’t care about that. They have a paranoia that the immigrants are alien invaders of their perceived paradise. They therefore are nothing more but dangerous members of a cult that should be exposed and persecuted. That is why we need more legislators and journalists who advocate equality and justice in America. At this point, I quote the second paragraph of the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE of the United States passed on July 4, 1776:

“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these, are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. -- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers form the consent of the governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness….”


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

By Gonzalo “Jun” Policarpio


Former Philippine Vice President Teofisto Guingona who led the Citizens Congress for Truth and Accountability popularly called the “People’s Court” that found Gloria Macapagal Arroyo after a five-month period of factfinding guilty of corruption, electoral fraud and violation of the Philippine Constitution, filed the second set of impeachment complaints against the de facto president of the Philippines for this year. He also announced his intention to lead a civil disobedience movement if the House of Representatives which is currently dominated by Arroyo political allies would again kill the impeachment complaint on a technicality. As Rizal would say in his grave to Arroyo’s hired soldiers, “Noli Me Tangere”(Touch Me Not) or more Filipino blood will spill.

Truly I do not want another Rizal or Ninoy Aquino to emerge and start another “people power” to depose Arroyo. If ever Mr. Guingona would lead the people to civil disobedience, I believe he must be ready to die. I therefore ask Malacanang not to play games again with the constitutional process of impeachment.


Here’s a simple description of racial discrimination in America: the Caucasians look down on the Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians; the Caucasians, the Blacks, and Hispanics look down on the Asians; the Asians look down on themselves. It is high time for the Asians to get together and work together for social, economic, and political empowerment. If the “N” word(Nigger)can trigger the passions of the Black, why not similar ethnic slurs such as Orientals, Japs, Chinks, and Gooks to the Asians. Any non-Asian using the “O” “J” :C” an “G” words should mean receiving a solid right to the mouth, not necessarily in the literal sense but in the legal sense. Remember, use of ethnic slurs is a ground for a racial discrimination suit. Fellow Asians, let’s shed off our age-old image as servants, cooks, railroad coolies, apple pickers, mail order brides, and a buck-toothed comedian who look dumb and stupid. To filmmakers and novelists, let’s start projecting the natural masculinity of the Asian male and the inborn physical strength of the Asian female aside from their intellectual prowess. In America, survival of the fittest still persists.


I agree with New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg when he said in his recent speech in Philadelphia that the American economy will collapse without the immigrants, both legal and illegal. To the Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists in Congress and in the media, they don’t care about that. They have a paranoia that the immigrants are alien invaders of their perceived paradise. They therefore are nothing more but dangerous members of a cult that should be exposed and persecuted. That is why we need more legislators and journalists who advocate equality and justice in America. At this point, I quote the second paragraph of the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE of the United States passed on July 4, 1776:

“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these, are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. -- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers form the consent of the governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness….”
