By Gonzalo “Jun” Policarpio
Today let me share some of my thoughts with you to ponder.
God allows sickness to happen to prove man's limitation and utter weakness. Now who can be so arrogant and foolish not to believe in the AlmightyCreator? But mere belief is not enough to get God's Grace. Even the devil believes in the Heavenly Father. Giving all the glory, power, and honor to God and not to oneself is what He expects. BECAUSE HE IS GOD!
Sickness cut the dictatorial fangs of Ferdinand E. Marcos, the late president of the Philippines, who stole the money that belongs to the Filipino people. Let this be a grim reminder of aspiring tyrants and plunderers in the Philippines that fooling the people and stealing their money do not pay. When a person rejects God, God will go away and abandon him or her to debauchery and destruction. So whenever He knocks on your door, make sure the door ofyour heart is wide open. As the Bible says, “ surelyGoodness and Mercies will follow you all the days ofyour life.”
What can Godless educational system do to the students of America.? They are deprived of the Truth: sin and forgiveness, right over wrong, and HOPE for an everlasting life. They are even denied the simple practice of prayer in schools. The recent massacre of students and teachers at theVirginia Tech by a hopeless student may happen again in other schools in America if the system of education persists to kick out God from the classrooms. In this world filled with all kinds of problems, life without God is a life without hope that is doomed todestruction.