Thursday, December 27, 2007


By Gonzalo "Jun" Policarpio


A member of the United States House of Representatives who voted against House Resolution 847 about the importance of Christmas and the Christian faith is logically a prototype of what an anti-Christian is and its potential threat to the security of approximately 225, 000,000 Christians in the United States. For America is founded by Christians.

The House Resolution passed on December 10, 2007 with 372 voting "Yes" and 9 voting "No." Congressman Gary Ackerman from the 5th Congressional District of New York is one of the 9 Democrats who voted against the Resolution arrogantly challenging Christians to "light a candle" for his soul. Congressman Ackerman therefore betrays himself to be a strong modern-day persecutor of Christians in the United States.

These are the things Democratic Rep. Ackerman rejected: "That the House of Representatives-

recognizes the Christian faith as one of the great religions of the world;

expresses continued support for Christians in the United States and worldwide;

acknowledges the international religious and historical importance of Christmas and the Christian faith;

acknowledges and supports the role played by Christians and Christianity in the founding of the United States and in the formation of the western civilization;

rejects bigotry and persecution directed against Christians, both in the United States and worldwide; and

expresses its deepest respect to American Christians throughout the world."

It is high time to separate the "goats" from the "sheep" in the halls of the American Capitol. And New York Congressman Gary Ackerman is such a congressional "goat." I call on all American Christians to deny Mr. Ackerman and his fellow anti-Christian colleagues in Congress the power to participate in law-making in the coming 2008 congressional elections by voting them out of office with a resounding thud.


Thursday, December 20, 2007

By Gonzalo “Jun” Policarpio


Honesty, pure and simple, in conveying his thoughts to the American people is the thing that lifts former Arkansas governor and Baptist pastor Mike Huckabee to the first from the last among Republican presidential hopefuls. It clearly tell us that he does what he preaches unlike the widely perceived political “hypocrites” among his rivals for the presidency of the United States.

Huckabee stunned the so-called political pundits dominating television and radio when he mentioned Christmas as a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ in his recent television advertisement. These fanatics of what is termed “political correctness” generally equates mere mention of Jesus or Chirist as anti-Semitic or a violation of the principle of church and state. Their irrational propensity to abhor anything Christian made them see things in their television screen such as a floating cross behind the picture of Huckabee taken against a backdrop of a bookcase and a window pane.

It's time for a Christian leader to lead America in this present terrified world. Mike Huckabee is just telling the truth about the current Bush administration's “bunker mentality” in conducting American foreign policies. Though our brave American soldiers fulfilled their duties in fighting and dying for America against any threat to our security, I believe that another war would not be according to God's will that could cost the loss of millions of lives of Americans and non-Americans.

As the world celebrates Christmas on December 25th, let the message of “Peace on Earth” through the birth of Christ reverberate in the war-torn countries as well as in the war-torn minds of some of our political leaders. Let the incoming new year of 2008 offer a new American leader who possesses true compassion to his fellowmen, most importantly the oppressed peoples of the world.


As long as there are food crumbs falling from the tables of the rich and powerful, as long as there are garbage coming from business establishments, as long as there are similarly corrupt and illegal ways to earn a living available to those who can do it, and as long as Gloria Macapagal Arroyo controls the people's money that she uses to buy the loyalty of military, police, local, and congressional leaders, she will remain de facto president of the Philippines forever if she wishes it. The only thing that could stop her hegemony given such abounding powers is sickness.

So this Christmas season, let's wish President Arroyo a longer and healthy life and let her remain the leader of the Filipino people for I am beginning to think the people deserves her kind of leadership. Don't you believe this is how the U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines think, too?


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

By Gonzalo “Jun” Policarpio


Notwithstanding the sad expectation that the Philippine Senate would not be interested in passing a Resolution, according to an email I received from Sen Aquilino “Nene” Pimentel late last year, to acknowledge my whistleblowing activities about the existence of a fake Philippine passport syndicate involving top foreign affairs and immigration officials during the Marcos era, I still am ready to help in whatever capacity as a United States citizen to promote justice and the rule of law in the Philippines. This time I'm glad to inform the Philippine Senate that “just for a little while” former top Arroyo official, Jocelyn “Joc Joc” Bolante, who is wanted for questioning by a Senate investigating committee regarding charges of large-scale misappropriation of public funds for a vote-buying spree during the 2004 presidential elections will be deported back to the Philippines by U.S. Immigration officials.

I am a persistent man in the pursuit of justice and I sacrificed a lot for such persistency from Manila to New York City - from the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. But history tells us that though justice may be losing during the early rounds, it finally triumphs in the last round. I believe this is how God wants it to be as the Holy Bible tells us.

The United States Board of Immigration Appeals rendered the final administrative decision to have Mr. Jocelyn Bolante removed or deported back to the Philippines after losing his appeal from an Immigration Judge's decision denying his asylum application. Though Bolante's lawyers recently filed a Petition for Review before the 7th Circuit of Appeal, it can be said to be an exercise of futility since the Appeals Court recently denied Bolante's motion to be released on bail during the pendency of the petition.

What makes the United States a nation apart from the rest of the world is that the American government is indeed ”a government of law, not of men.” Despite the fact that the American democratic process may be long and circuitous, the symbolical American “ lady of justice” is blindfolded that no glitter of gold or silver can tarnish her. It has no respect for anybody who transgresses the law that even a popular former president of the United States, Bill Clinton, suffered legal sanctions for lying under oath about his sexual relations with a White House intern.

The Philippine Senate would be the most recent beneficiary of American justice when it finally receives into its custody Mr. Jocelyn “Joc Joc” Bolante upon his impending removal from the United States.
