Wednesday, August 28, 2024

 Valid reasons why the good American people shall not vote for KAMALA HARRIS, the candidate of the Democrats, but will reinstall via the ballot DONALD J. TRUMP to the White House:

1. She is an advocate to legalize prostitution in America. If she becomes President, therefore, swarms of prostitutes especially coming from the 20 million illegal aliens who crossed our borders would be invading our peaceful and orderly neighborhoods and knocking on our front doors distributing flyers to whosoever need sex just like offering food for the hungry.
2. She is herself sort of an ex-prostitute when she had regular sex with then Speaker of the California State Assembly, Willie Brown, who is a married man in exchange for a good paying job at the California Medical Assustance Commission. In essence, that is prostitution and adultery, not a core principle of American culture and behavior.
3. She promises to release inmates of ICE Detention Centers nationwide technically closing down such centers. Such a scenario is surely an affront to our immigration laws and a violation of our Constitution.
4. She promises to release hardcore criminals incarcerated according to her whims. That is insanity.
5. She is an ardent advocate of wanton abortion of girls and women and trans gendering of school children. That is an apostasy if she calls herself a Christian. Therefore, she is definitely not.
To be continued

Saturday, August 17, 2024

 If there is one influential group of professionals who has no respect for Kamala Harris, the Democrat nominee for president who was undemocratically selected by consensus, it’s the legal community.

Prominent civil rights lawyer from California Leon Terrell technically spit on Harris’ mixed African-Indian face when he described her legal background as “.devoid” of achievements . He said the cackling woman could not even prosecute as a prosecutor. What a joke! He confirmed she is a bar flunker and she finally became a lawyer by “networking.” Or maybe leg working?
Do you think Kamala would understand me if I say I’m not criticizing her qualifications with ipso facto ad hominem attacks?
In today’s campaign speech on rising prices of goods, Kamala promises to control it. But, as any student of economics know, market prices are regulated by the Law of Supply and Demand.
Did anybody hear the wide and open mouth Democrat candidate respond by promising she will repeal that law?
Hey, Democrats: Behold your candidate from Hell!


When a lying Kenyan-born Hawaiian American named BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA duped us to accept him as a “light at the end of the tunnel” so to speak after the unnecessary Bush “Shock and Awe” Iraq War that killed thousands and thousands of Iraqi and American soldiers, this publicly perceived homosexual proved to be the dark gruesome tunnel and definitely not the light. He is indeed a gargantuan scam of the century.
Possibly a devil-incarnate, he very kindly welcomed Donald J. Trump to the White House in January of 2017 as his replacement. Then, in a matter of weeks he must have masterminded to kick out the non-political Trump via impeachments and criminal investigations manipulating Demonic Deep State planted in the judicial branch and law enforcement agencies.
I believe that Obama’s mission from Hell is to destroy the American Nation that was founded by Christians and technically place iit under the rule of the Islamic Caliphate.
Our Christian Bible says: Matthew 7:16 (KJV) “Ye shall know them by their fruits.”
Is it hard to believe that the disastrous Biden/Harris Administration is the fruit of the Obama Spell!
My Fellow American Christians and Bible Believers:
Be forewarned so be forearmed against the onslaught of our dangerous enemies within.
“We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12 (KJV)
I urge all of you to go to the polls on November 5 or earlier and assure the victory of our Republican candidate Donald J, Trump with millions and millions of your votes to save our beloved country, the U.S.A., from the HARLOT!

 STUDENTS OF POLITICAL SCIENCE WITH EMPHASIS ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: Listen and learn from Kamala Harris, presumptive presidential nominee of the the Democratic Party to run against Donald J. Trump, the Republican Candidate on November 5, 2024, on her “expert” analysis of the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Kamala says with a pensive tone, “Ukraine is a small country. It exists with another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong.”
My fellow Americans:
Is Kamala Harris qualified to be the President of the most powerful country in the world? Or President of an Association of GROs in AIRFORCE ONE, the biggest and most popular Gentleman Club in Asia, located in Manila, Philippines?