Wednesday, August 28, 2024

 Valid reasons why the good American people shall not vote for KAMALA HARRIS, the candidate of the Democrats, but will reinstall via the ballot DONALD J. TRUMP to the White House:

1. She is an advocate to legalize prostitution in America. If she becomes President, therefore, swarms of prostitutes especially coming from the 20 million illegal aliens who crossed our borders would be invading our peaceful and orderly neighborhoods and knocking on our front doors distributing flyers to whosoever need sex just like offering food for the hungry.
2. She is herself sort of an ex-prostitute when she had regular sex with then Speaker of the California State Assembly, Willie Brown, who is a married man in exchange for a good paying job at the California Medical Assustance Commission. In essence, that is prostitution and adultery, not a core principle of American culture and behavior.
3. She promises to release inmates of ICE Detention Centers nationwide technically closing down such centers. Such a scenario is surely an affront to our immigration laws and a violation of our Constitution.
4. She promises to release hardcore criminals incarcerated according to her whims. That is insanity.
5. She is an ardent advocate of wanton abortion of girls and women and trans gendering of school children. That is an apostasy if she calls herself a Christian. Therefore, she is definitely not.
To be continued

Saturday, August 17, 2024

 If there is one influential group of professionals who has no respect for Kamala Harris, the Democrat nominee for president who was undemocratically selected by consensus, it’s the legal community.

Prominent civil rights lawyer from California Leon Terrell technically spit on Harris’ mixed African-Indian face when he described her legal background as “.devoid” of achievements . He said the cackling woman could not even prosecute as a prosecutor. What a joke! He confirmed she is a bar flunker and she finally became a lawyer by “networking.” Or maybe leg working?
Do you think Kamala would understand me if I say I’m not criticizing her qualifications with ipso facto ad hominem attacks?
In today’s campaign speech on rising prices of goods, Kamala promises to control it. But, as any student of economics know, market prices are regulated by the Law of Supply and Demand.
Did anybody hear the wide and open mouth Democrat candidate respond by promising she will repeal that law?
Hey, Democrats: Behold your candidate from Hell!


When a lying Kenyan-born Hawaiian American named BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA duped us to accept him as a “light at the end of the tunnel” so to speak after the unnecessary Bush “Shock and Awe” Iraq War that killed thousands and thousands of Iraqi and American soldiers, this publicly perceived homosexual proved to be the dark gruesome tunnel and definitely not the light. He is indeed a gargantuan scam of the century.
Possibly a devil-incarnate, he very kindly welcomed Donald J. Trump to the White House in January of 2017 as his replacement. Then, in a matter of weeks he must have masterminded to kick out the non-political Trump via impeachments and criminal investigations manipulating Demonic Deep State planted in the judicial branch and law enforcement agencies.
I believe that Obama’s mission from Hell is to destroy the American Nation that was founded by Christians and technically place iit under the rule of the Islamic Caliphate.
Our Christian Bible says: Matthew 7:16 (KJV) “Ye shall know them by their fruits.”
Is it hard to believe that the disastrous Biden/Harris Administration is the fruit of the Obama Spell!
My Fellow American Christians and Bible Believers:
Be forewarned so be forearmed against the onslaught of our dangerous enemies within.
“We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12 (KJV)
I urge all of you to go to the polls on November 5 or earlier and assure the victory of our Republican candidate Donald J, Trump with millions and millions of your votes to save our beloved country, the U.S.A., from the HARLOT!

 STUDENTS OF POLITICAL SCIENCE WITH EMPHASIS ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: Listen and learn from Kamala Harris, presumptive presidential nominee of the the Democratic Party to run against Donald J. Trump, the Republican Candidate on November 5, 2024, on her “expert” analysis of the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Kamala says with a pensive tone, “Ukraine is a small country. It exists with another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong.”
My fellow Americans:
Is Kamala Harris qualified to be the President of the most powerful country in the world? Or President of an Association of GROs in AIRFORCE ONE, the biggest and most popular Gentleman Club in Asia, located in Manila, Philippines?

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Cross-Examination of MICHAEL COHEN,  a Convicted Felon and Star Witness of Democrat Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg - 

 Re: Trump Hush Money Case:

Michael Cohen revealed himself during cross-examination as a person whose love for money is so deeply rooted for  reasons known only to him that he would sell his body, soul, and spirit to Democrat Billionaire Biden Donors as well as the whole Democrat Establishment headed by a corrupt triumvirate of Clinton, Obama and Biden that vow to do everything possible to stop President Donald J. Trump from reclaiming the White House they surreptitiously stole in 2020 as published in the media. 

He and the Biden people's other witness, a porn actress named Stormy Daniels, who allegedly extorted money from Trump are now exposed to be slaves of mammon a la Judas Iscariot as both have been exploited by Trump's political rivals using the justice system as their weapon. 

Is it okay to consider Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels as whores in their line of profession? 


1. Is it unfair, unjust or biased for a judge to issue a gag order on a defendant in a criminal case but not on the star witness? Example: Judge Merchan issued multiple gag orders on defendant President Trump who is the leading presidential candidate but not on prosecution star witness Michael Cohen, a convicted felon?
2. Is there impropriety or appearance of impropriety when a judge allows a prosecution witness such as a prominent porn actress and pornographic movie producer-director named Stormy Daniels to describe in lurid details before the jury her alleged sexual tryst with Trump that is definitely no relevance to the criminal charge?
3. Is there a political bias or even a tinge of political partiality when Judge Merchan, a Biden political donor whose daughter creates digital political promotions for Democrat Party candidates, failed to recuse himself from presiding over a criminal case initiated by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, an elected Democrat County District Attorney, who campaigned with a mission to get Trump?
Fellow Americans: If the answer is YES to the above three issues, perhaps the NYS commission on Judicial Conduct may be interested to hear a complaint.

Monday, May 13, 2024

 It’s finally happening! A fight for true American Justice! Let’s stop this ongoing Travesty of Justice in the United States of America and punish all culprits involved with the most appropriate penalties under the laws of the United States.

Today, Andrew Bailey, Missouri Attirney General announced to the media that he plans to investigate Biden’s Justice Department under Merrick Garland and its conspiratorial relationships with all the other left wing Democrat Attorney Generals who are conducting illicit criminal and civil prisecutions of President Trump, the leading Republican presidential candidate this November.
Stay tuned to my blog: FROM THE BARREL OF MY PEN
He is demanding to read and expose to the public all communications that have transpired among the politically-biased and maliciously behaving Democrat Prosecutors.

 Joe Biden perceived by many Americans to have stolen the White House from President Trump will go down in history as a prime enabler of anarchy in America given the uncontrolled and unrelenting violent and riotous protest marches and demonstrations targeting college campuses nationwide by Pro-Palestine rabble rousers and Hamas supporters. These terrorists are generally believed to be financially supported by the notorious anti-Trumper billionaire George Soros and his Democrat underlings.

Behold the raising of the Palestinian flag at Columbia University and the burning of the American Stars and Stripes on American streets!
FELLOW AMERICANS: Without law and order, there will be no peace in our land. Let’s destroy the powers of darkness in high places with the help of our God in Heaven.

Friday, May 10, 2024

 I see “Bug” Guy Joe Biden on TV awarding presidential medals of honor to Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, Al Gore , et Cetera and other fools who are still existing in this world.

It makes you feel watching an entertainment show for patients in a sanatorium. You know what I mean.
The recipients are not honorable and brave as much as the one who makes the award, Joe Biden who is being accused by the House of Representatives of receiving bribes in millions of dollars from enemy countries.
Let’s treat the so-called Presidential Medal of Freedom as nothing less than Presidential Medal of Making America Being Destroyed to pieces.
To Hell with such insanity!

 Hey, Joe Biden: Your witness porn Acress Stormy Daniels against your nemesis, President Trump, is a dud. Palpak! Kaput!

Her testimony today in court before your two minions, Judge Juan Merchan and Manhattan DA Bragg, are full of holes. There was no sexual tryst with Trump twenty year ago. True to form as a porn actress, she fabricated it to extort money from a wealthy and popular presidential candidate in 2016.
The gadding adult film actress previously lost a court case against Trump where the judge sentenced her to pay thousands of attorney’s fees to President Trump. And she refused to pay it.
She admitted her love for money and more money upon cross-examination by a Trump lawyer. Well, that’s what she is, a porn actress who would live and lie for money, so to speak.
Juan, reverse your ruling and declare a mistrial to redeem yourself from outright professional misconduct.

Thursday, August 10, 2023


By: Jun Policarpio

 It's a trigger-happy Black female Obama-appointed District Court Judge carrying a Jamaican name of Tanya Sue Chutkan who will decide to convict or not to convict President  Donald J. Trump based on the criminal charges filed by a Special Counsel named Jack Smith.  Smith was  appointed by Joe Biden’s Attorney General named Merritt Garland. At this juncture, I have named the major players of what maybe dubbed as a weird criminal trial of the century.

Merritt Garland appointed Jack Smith to investigate Trump, currently the leading GOP presidential candidate for the 2024 elections, on the issue of classified documents found in his home in Mar-a-Lago, Florida and another issue of his involvement in the pro-Trump election protesters that entered the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. 

Garland who is a former judge reportedly cried like a woman in distress, perhaps out of bitterness when Trump dumped him as an Obama  nominee for a seat at the Supreme Court. Now, as the nation's chief law enforcer second to Biden, his fingers seem to be very itchy, so to speak,  to use all available power and resources to put President Trump in jail approximately for 641 years, as estimated by POLITICO,  a Washington-based news media company. 

D.C. or the District of Columbia is the site of Trump's criminal trial where Jack Smith will argue before Judge Chutkan why Biden's formidable political rival  should be in jail for committing his four trumped-up charges, namely: 

Conspiracy to Defraud the United States

Conspiracy to Obstruct an Official Proceeding

Obstruction of and Attempt to Obstruct an Official Proceeding

Conspiracy Against Rights

Trump has expressed his desire to move the venue from D.C.  to West Virginia. The West Virginia Attorney General, Patrick Morrisey, welcomed the idea to avoid any appearance of unfair treatment based on political affiliation and ideology of the Trial Judge, the selected jury, and that of the D.C.   community.

For one thing, the judge has demonstrated her anti-Trump fury towards the pro-Trump protesters who were convicted with no jail time recommended by the prosecutor. Yet she reportedly sentenced them to be jailed for several days. Amazing!

In D.C., only 6.17% of all registered voters are Republicans; therefore, the remaining 93.83% are overwhelmingly Democrats. The District of Columbia is generally known as the bluest political spot in the nation. Biden has also stigmatized Trump as leader of the MAGA(Make America Great Again) Republicans which he described  as "extremists" and "domestic enemies" during his Independence Day Speech in Philadelphia. 

For another thing, Jack Smith and his wife, Katy Savigny are Biden donors. His wife is a documentary film maker known for her film BECOMING, a biography of Michelle Obama. His mother-in-law named Bell Savigny was Senior Justice Fellow at George Soros's Open Society Foundation. She also sat on the board of a Hillary Clinton-funded Human Rights Defense Center known for its leftist ideology. 

Jack Smith is supposed to be an Independent Counsel. Is there any question that he can't be? No way, says the man on the street. 

So if President Trump would be forced to be tried under these circumstances, would this be a proto-type of a JUDICIAL LYNCHING or a good example of EXTREME PREJUDICE?


Friday, October 19, 2018



Maria Carmela Valmonte or Maricar as her friends and neighbors called her in the impoverished neighborhood of Santo Quiterio in Manila, Philippines was a combination of brain and beauty graduating Valedictorian from elementary school.  Her grandmother raised her to be a bright and beautiful girl when her parents left her at a young age of 8.
Her grandfather who used to teach Filipino martial arts called Arnis de Mano earlier died of an old head injury which he suffered in a martial arts competition in Batangas.

 In search of a better life abroad , her mother named Ester accepted an overseas job in Saudi Arabia as a domestic helper but came back dead inside a coffin after being brutally raped by her Muslim employer ; her father Mauro worked as a seaman in a Greek ship but had a fatal accident while doing repair work on the ship’s lower deck.

One night, her sickly Lola needed some medicine for a persistent coughing. Maricar had to scoop some coins in her piggy bank and rushed to a neighborhood drugstore for a cough medication. Wary of the drug addicts and drunkards loitering at night around the neighborhood, she carried a butterfly knife, a gift from  her late grandfather who taught her self-defense in case of an attack. 

Santo Quiterio is a squalid community marked by dilapidated shanty houses  populated mostly by sidewalk vendors, drug addicts, gang members, petty thieves, professional beggars, scavengers, and other low life persons. Despite the presence of a local governing unit called Barangay, the officials were all corrupt from top to bottom allowing themselves to be in the pockets of  the drug lords and gang leaders.

Maricar’s family was one of the first residents of Santo Quiterio before it became a Godforsaken place.  They originally came from Bulacan and Batangas. It was a peaceful and clean neighborhood before the influx of other migrants from Mindanao and the Visayan islands some of whom were victims of natural disasters as well as political unrest in their former residence.

Coming back home from the drugstore located near a lot of drinking places and dark alleys where drug pushers hanged around, she was spotted by the driver of a black colored SUV waiting for his friends buying drugs called “shabu” in a dark alley.  When his friends came back with the drugs, he tailed Maricar walking hurriedly back home to give the medication to his sick grandmother. In one swoop, two of the SUV passengers grabbed Maricar and shoved her into the back of the vehicle. The four young thugs were all high in cocaine as they restrained Maricar covering her mouth to prevent her from yelling. With her hands free, she took out her butterfly knife known as “balisong” in Batangas cut the throats of the one covering her mouth and then cut the femoral artery of the other guy seated with her and the other seated in front of the driver. She told the driver to stop the vehicle with her knife on his throat. She slit his throat as the SUV came into a stop near a cemetery.  Then she jumped out of the vehicle leaving the four thugs on drugs bleeding to death. Maricar was only 13 years old but could be mistaken for a 20 year old because of her bigger built and long legs.

As she ran back home, she remembered her grandfather’s advice to defend herself to the death from would-be rapists who kill their victims.  Just a month ago, a pretty high school girl from another neighborhood was found raped and murdered. No suspects were arrested since the local police or law enforcers were all in the pockets of the drug lords and gang leaders.
After treating her grandmother with the medication, she washed herself and her clothes  from the culprit’s blood. 

The local press dismissed the killing of Maricar’s would-be rapists as victims  of a gangwar.  The four were actually scions of prominent families of Quezon City and Makati.  Using their influence, a  massive investigation was conducted by the Philippine National Police to capture the assailants.  Even with the help of the National Bureau of Investigation of the Philippine Department of Justice, no clue was found and no detective speculated  that the killings could be the work of a young girl, a would-be rape victim.
Maricar was truly a pretty and bright student. Her high school principal recommended her to represent the school in a National Spelling Bee Contest.  The winner of the contest would represent the Philippines in a World Spelling Bee Contest to be held in Washington, D.C. in the United States.  Maricar came out as the overall winner of the Spelling Bee Contest.

Maricar together  with her grandmother who acted as her guardian, left for the United States to represent the Philippines in the World Spelling Bee Contest.  But she decided not to show up at the contest   and chose to stay in the United States illegally.
When offered an opportunity to be an instant citizen by birth, she bought a fake Hawaiian Birth certificate from a Chinese guy who befriended her at a price of one thousand dollars. The Chinese vendor said that his document must be the same document Barack Obama used to make him a natural-born U.S. citizenl. She told the Chinese guy to her name on the certificate as MARIA CARMELA VENDETTA.  
She obtained a Certificate of High School Completion by passing a test called G.E.D. in the United States.  She applied for a U.S. passport to enable her to travel anywhere in the world.

After the death of her grandmother, she left for Toklyo, Japan to pursue a career in Martial Arts. She was then thinking of opening a Martial Arts School in New York specializing in Ninjutsu. After two years of training in a School of Ninjutsu in Tokyo, she returned to the New York to open a school she originally planned.
She was able to attract a lot of students who are interested in Martial Arts for fun and for self-defense. As a Filipino at heart, she was aware of everything happening in the Philippines particularly the corruption in government, proliferation of dangerous drugs available to anybody controlled by drug lords in cahoots with Police and Military officer,  and rampant abuse of young girls and boys at the hands of the crooked wealthy families, increasing number of dead victims of human traffickers.

She also browsed the internet reading and downloading news about the Philippines. One evening after a long day’s work at her school, she came across a story of a grieving father whose wife and two young daughters were savagely raped and murdered by a gang of drug addicts belonging to the rich families in Manila.  There were 9 suspects led by a son of a prominent politician who were initially arrested and prosecuted. Through the intercession of influential personalities in the Police and the Courts, the only evidence implicating the gang’s leader disappeared from the government laboratory.  All of the suspected rapists and murderers were set free at the stroke of a judge’s pen.

Maricar was able to compile several similar stories of rape and murder committed by persons with money, influence, and power.  But this one story struck her nerve because one of the victims carried the name of Carmela.  The victim’s father also told the press that her daughter Carmela kept appearing to him in many forms and demanding justice for the murder of her mother and older sister.

Maricar just turned 21 years old, still single, wanting to pursue a career in law enforcement. Ever since she was attacked by  would-be rapists and killers, she became obsessed with the idea of punishing the culprits one way or another, legally or illegally.
Using her  U.S. passport, she booked a roundtrip ticket to the Philippines intent of talking to the father of the murder-rape victim who died at age 13 whose name is also Maria Carmela.

The victim’s father appeared resigned to his fate of expecting a miracle from heaven to deliver justice for her murdered family. He told Maricar at an interview held at his family’s graveyard that he was against a wall of power and he just could not fight anymore. He actually has been living in terror in the Philippines but refused to leave the Godforsaken country because of the pleadings of her dead 13-year old Carmela who kept appearing in his dreams.

Finally the victim’s father whose name is Lorenzo gave her copies of court records  and proceedings and copies of police reports of the rape-murder case.  He also gave her the names of the convicted rapist-murderers who were later acquitted due to disappearance of evidence while in  police custody.

Maricar began tracking down the whereabouts of the released convicts.  Upon learning that the lead convict named Alfredo who is the son of a politician wants to have a movie about his life, Maricar called him and pretended to be a movie producer interested to film his life story.  She set up a meeting with him at a hotel room in Las Pinas,  a suburb of Manila.  As soon as she opened the door for him, she pulled him in quickly and knocked him out with a hand chop on the back of the neck. She injected him with a truth serum. 

As he was recovering from the knock-out, Maricar dressed up like a ghost of the dead 13  year old victim Carmela asked him why he killed her. her mother, her older sister, and also raped them.  He at first got very scared and later said that he and his gangmates were on drugs  and the devil made them do it.  So Maricar gave him a pen and paper to write his confession addressed to the President of the Philippines and his Secretary of Justice.   After signing his confession, Maricar cut his throat to death as real punishment for his crime.

In span of 24 hours, the other members of Alfredo’s gang who were similarly released from jail were found dead with their throats cut with a butterfly knife or “balisong.”  A piece of paper with the words “The wages of sin is death,” written in blood was left on the face of each dead rapist-murderer.

On the following morning, Maricar packed her luggage and boarded a flight to JFK International Airport beset with an afterthought that justice was not completely served on the perpetrators. She vowed to return to the Philippines and go after “the powers that be” that set free convicted criminals as well as condone the “evil” in high places in the Philippines.

End of Carmela V. Returns 1