Friday, June 30, 2006

By Gonzalo “Jun” Policarpio


Lou Dobbs, a CNN anchor and managing editor of his own talk show Lou Dobbs Tonight, whose anti-immigrant incantations brought a spell to some 40 U.S. legislators to move against President Bush’s temporary workers program, was born in Idaho. Idaho is the birthplace of the Aryan Nation, a White Supremacist movement that hates Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and Jews. Put 2 and 2 together and you’ve got a Neo-Nazi in our television screen.


The Filipino people are still waiting for the blood of another high-profiled political personality to be spilled out in the streets similar to the Ninoy Aquino assassination back in 1987 before they would launch an all-out movement against the killers. They do not consider the wasted blood of hundreds of low-level journalists and civil right leaders as worthwhile enough to go en masse after the perpetrators. In other words, it seems that the only way Gloria Macapagal Arroyo will fall is when one of her prominent political opponents is assassinated. Remember, history keeps repeating itself.
Any volunteer from the prominent opposition?


Immigration enforcement agents cannot just pick up any illegal alien and deport them. They are still entitled to a day in court where available relief from deportation may apply on a case to case basis. The government of the United States is a government of law, make no mistake about that.


In New York, the Philippine Independence Day festivities that include a street fair and a parade do not attract the media and the politicians that make news. Why? It seriously needs a promoter and a marketer. These things require money. It’s lack of funds that make the yearly Filipino community event in June a big joke. Or perhaps there may be funds collected but not reported. It is a good reflection of what’s happening back home in the motherland where the government is being run by cheaters, thieves, and liars.


At this year’s recent Republican Senatorial Inner Circle Conference held at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington, D.C., a couple of “fat cats” told me that they are involved in a separate political club that gives money only to Republican candidates with true conservative views. By conservative view , they actually mean anti- immigration reform bill. When former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani who was the guest speaker asked the conferees and several Republican senators to support President Bush’s guest worker program, I clapped my hands loud enough but not strong enough to influence the two “fat cats” seated beside me. Then they told me Giuliani cannot win if he runs for president. They are rooting for Sen. Bill Frist from Tennessee. Tennessee is another state where the Aryan Nation dominates. That’s the reason why I did not get any financial support from these so-called conservatives when I ran for Congress in 2004.


From the Barrel of My Pen
By Gonzalo “Jun” Policarpio


Utah is one of the most Republican and conservative states in the country. Yet its congressman, Rep. Chris Cannon, known in his state as the “King of Amnesty” handily won the recent primary elections against an opponent who is anti-immigrant. In an interview, this xenophobic now realizes that the general sentiment of the American voters is in favor of President Bush’s “guest worker” immigration reform bill.


Gloria Macapagal Arroyo recalled her Ambassador to the United States, Alberto del Rosario, because according to reliable sources, the good guy failed to neutralize Arroyo’s bad image in the American press. He also failed to arrange a meeting between her and President Bush. Well, I believe that’s not the Ambassador’s fault. I recalled that in a recent visit to the Office of Senator Richard Lugar, a staff member said to me that if somebody from the Arroyo Administration would request a meeting with the Senator, he would be conveniently out of town. How much more a meeting at the White House?


Princess Lara Quigaman of the Philippines, reigning 2005 Miss International, joins the July 3rd Fashion Show as one the models at the Philippine Center sponsored by the Philippine Pearl Productions. I heard that the beauty queen takes her Christianity for real. She must be doing this for the sake of “faith, hope, and charity” as the Bible tells her so. Those interested may see the show and give to charity.


June 26, 2006

Dear Mr. Editor:

In your June 15th issue, I read an article written by Adam Pincus on page 48, titled “Maltese’s racial profiling bill stirs outrage.” The article further reports that “Supporters said the bill was drafted to give law enforcement greater powers to detain suspected terrorists because “that would allow law enforcement authorities to take race and ethnicity into consideration when stopping and searching individuals.”

I presuppose that when this Maltese bill becomes law, Sen. Serphin Maltese, the bill’s sponsor, and all his relatives of Italian ancestry would be subjected to unnecessary and harassing police stops and searches. Poetic justice, I presume.

As a former immigration inspector and adjudications officer, I had training in racial profiling to identify possible terrorists from so-called “Special Interest Countries” primarily Arabic and Mediterranean. The federal government finally issued a policy banning racial profiling because so many innocent individuals were unnecessarily interrogated. Some Italians and Israeli who look Arabic have been singled out for questioning.

Carleton S. Coon, an American physical anthropologist, who wrote the book on the Mediterranean Race, enumerated the Mediterranean racial types as Spanish, Scottish, Italian, Greek, Portuguese, Arab, Bulgarian, and Afghan. Under the Maltese Racial Profiling bill, people belonging to these racial types are possible terrorist suspects owing to the fact that the 9/11 terrorists were all of Arabic ancestry. Now, fellow Americans who love equality and justice, do you want this scary bill to become law? Two of my daughters who look Spanish and Italian would then be always looking behind their backs in fear. And if this bill would also cover the racial types of homegrown terrorists such as Timothy Mcveigh, Terry Nichols, and Prof. Kacysnki, all Americans could be possible terrorist suspects.

I call on all freedom-loving Americans to work together and get the Maltese Racial Profiling bill off consideration.


By Gonzalo “Jun” Policarpio


Lou Dobbs, a CNN anchor and managing editor of his own talk show Lou Dobbs Tonight, whose anti-immigrant incantations brought a spell to some 40 U.S. legislators to move against President Bush’s temporary workers program, was born in Idaho. Idaho is the birthplace of the Aryan Nation, a White Supremacist movement that hates Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and Jews. Put 2 and 2 together and you’ve got a Neo-Nazi in our television screen.


The Filipino people are still waiting for the blood of another high-profiled political personality to be spilled out in the streets similar to the Ninoy Aquino assassination back in 1987 before they would launch an all-out movement against the killers. They do not consider the wasted blood of hundreds of low-level journalists and civil right leaders as worthwhile enough to go en masse after the perpetrators. In other words, it seems that the only way Gloria Macapagal Arroyo will fall is when one of her prominent political opponents is assassinated. Remember, history keeps repeating itself.
Any volunteer from the prominent opposition?


Immigration enforcement agents cannot just pick up any illegal alien and deport them. They are still entitled to a day in court where available relief from deportation may apply on a case to case basis. The government of the United States is a government of law, make no mistake about that.


In New York, the Philippine Independence Day festivities that include a street fair and a parade do not attract the media and the politicians that make news. Why? It seriously needs a promoter and a marketer. These things require money. It’s lack of funds that make the yearly Filipino community event in June a big joke. Or perhaps there may be funds collected but not reported. It is a good reflection of what’s happening back home in the motherland where the government is being run by cheaters, thieves, and liars.


At this year’s recent Republican Senatorial Inner Circle Conference held at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington, D.C., a couple of “fat cats” told me that they are involved in a separate political club that gives money only to Republican candidates with true conservative views. By conservative view , they actually mean anti- immigration reform bill. When former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani who was the guest speaker asked the conferees and several Republican senators to support President Bush’s guest worker program, I clapped my hands loud enough but not strong enough to influence the two “fat cats” seated beside me. Then they told me Giuliani cannot win if he runs for president. They are rooting for Sen. Bill Frist from Tennessee. Tennessee is another state where the Aryan Nation dominates. That’s the reason why I did not get any financial support from these so-called conservatives when I ran for Congress in 2004.


By Gonzalo “Jun” Policarpio


Lou Dobbs, a CNN evening anchor, is fast becoming a mad advocate of xenophobia, hatred toward aliens, in America. He spends his hour-long slot of attacking President Bush immigration reform program that would provide temporary work permits to millions of undocumented aliens. With such an extreme negative behavior towards immigrants, this guy must be keeping “a skeleton in the closet’ about his roots in the United States. It will come out very soon.

A flamboyant immigration lawyer who dramatizes his business in television charges an “outrageous fee” of $15,000 per person to a poor family in the Philippines. They could not afford it naturally. The lawyer’s show even used their story as one of its dramatic sales pitches. The case is a simple claim to US citizenship by two children of an American soldier who fought and died in the Philippines during the Second World War.

Stephen Minarik, chairman of the New York State Republican Party, swallowed his pride when he endorsed the candidacy of John Faso for Governor of New York. He once told this candidate that he was in “La La land” and cannot win. Well, at the recent Republican Party convention, Faso overwhelmingly defeated Minarik’s candidate, former Massachusetts governor William Weld. In an interview, Minarik said that he went to “La La land” and he did not find John Faso there. That’s how a politician talks.

At the recent Philippine Independence Day Street Fair in Manhattan, GOPPO Digital lost its designated booth to another organization. It turned out that the organizer at the last minute crossed out the original assigned slots without informing GOPPO. And GOPPO found itself without a booth. The organizer was nowhere to be found. Did he take the money and run? GOPPO Digital who owns the PIDC website intends to close the website and all its archives. I like it. That’s poetic justice.


By Gonzalo “Jun” Policarpio


Former Illinois Governor George Ryan was convicted yesterday of graft and corruption. He may face a 20-year jail term during sentencing. Some years ago, he became a darling of the anti-death penalty activists for commuting to life sentence all inmates in his state’s death row. Does this story suggest something common to a similarly corrupt Filipino leader like Gloria Arroyo who also issued a moratorium on the death penalty and commuted to life imprisonment all prisoners sentenced to die by lethal injection.


If you check the background of those American senators and congressmen who favor the erection of a Berlin Wall style around our Mexican and Canadian borders, deportation of all illegal aliens in the United States, and making it a crime to be an illegal alien or to lend a helping hand to a poor illegal alien, you’ll be surprised that these xenophobes are the ones who hire an illegal alien to baby-sit their kids, cook their meals, drive their cars, clean their lawn, and shine their shoes. CNN’s Lou Dobbs and his tribe who still think that America is a Caucasian nation should all be rounded up and relocated to Idaho to eat only potatoes.


Those who criticize Pres. Bush immigration reform bill that would offer temporary work permit to all illegal aliens as rewarding illegal behavior have forgotten American History. STICK TO YOUR MINDS THAT THE PILGRIMS ARRIVED AT PLYMOUTH ROCK WITHOUT A VISA. They also came to find a better life in America.


If there are reliable witnesses and evidences, Philippine military officials who were charged with election fraud and other wrongdoings should be prosecuted in a court of law. As soon as the case is filed, they should be relieved of their duties. The same principle applies to any high government official charged with graft and corruption and election fraud. Isn’t this democratic principle we call a “government of law, not of men?” Can this happen in the Philippines known as a showcase for democracy in Asia.? Tell me, what is preventing it to happen? And what is your solution?

From the Barrel of My Pen/05/03/06
By Gonzalo “Jun” Policarpio


Despite insurmountable questions of her legitimacy as president of the Philippines, Gloria Macagapal Arroyo recently issued executive orders and proclamations that were declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Is she trying to be above the Constitution? If so, then she is in violation of the constitution and therefore subject to the appropriate judgment for such undemocratic and tyrannical behavior.


A secured border is indeed vital to any sovereign nation in order to protect itself from entry of undesirable and dangerous foreign travelers. But there will always be people who come to find a better life in America for themselves and their families. The history of the United States is a continuing inflow of immigrants from all over the world in search of the “promised land” or the land of milk and honey. And God has blessed our country with an abundant supply of natural resources and a well-developed economy. I believe God’s blessings will continue as long as America shares its blessings with other people. When America stops, the blessings will also stop.


There are some indicators I sensed from my recent attendance in a Republican event in Washington, D.C. that former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Senator Bill Frist of Tennessee, and Senator John McCain of Arizona are the leading possible candidates for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination. According to the most recent opinion polls, all three Republicans are ahead of Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton, the possible Democratic candidate. If immigration is the issue that can make or break a candidate for president in 2008, then I can predict the President Bush immigration reform bill will pass this summer.


Let us not be sad or critical of the problems besetting our main community organization called the Philippine Independence Day Council, Inc. (PIDCI). It’s part of the learning process. One important thing to learn is that the city government of New York is a government of law, not of men. Non-compliance with regulations already happened before. Now, there’s another one. I think it’s time for the leaders to study harder all the mechanics of a not- for- profit community organization in order to avoid future mistakes. Remember, we now work and live in New York where professionalism is the ingredient for success.